Forever Living Products has combined all the benefits of aloe vera gel with the finest quality ingredients, to offer you a range of natural personal care products that are second to none!
Moisturize from head to toe, our products have you all covered with pure, stabilized aloe vera. From lotions and gels to shampoos and cleansers, look and feel your best with our complete Beauty line! Forever Living Products has combined all the benefits of aloe vera gel with the finest quality ingredients, to offer you a range of natural personal care products that are second to none!
Addressing the issue of the bitter aloe-gel taste, as it's problem for some. Missing out on the most medicinal and fabulous Forever Aloegel, full of Natural Goodness would be a real shame! If your anything like me and have a sensitive palette, whatever you may taste that wouldn't agree with your taste buds, you gag or regurgitate! Then what, would you or do you go back for more? Most wouldn't and unfortunately they would lose out on all the Health Benefits that this healing gel provides. Personally, I've experienced the issue of taste and have met resistance from others due to the bitterness of the aloegel. Regardless of the bitter taste, there is a solution! It is well worth finding a way to overcome this problem of taste with disguising it, so to ensure the benefits of this miraculous gel! When you know it's well worth it, literally you can suck it all up and you do it! Very well knowing the value of consuming Forever's aloe and having a sensitive palette myself, I advise others to do what I do with aloegel which is just to simply adjust the taste! And here's a little attention getter, many aloe enthusiast have discovered that when the aloe gel tastes particularly bitter, it's the result of a build-up of toxins in the body which needs to be relieved and cleansed out! The more bitter the taste the more that your body needs it and ultimately is craving it! So how do you make this beautiful drink, this "white gold" taste as wonderful as it really is? Adjust the taste! How you make it taste is really all up to you. This can be an enjoyable experience by simply adding this miraculous gel into your everyday beverages or by making your own recipes. Click here for some recipe suggestions and see below for more information on our very best Health and Weight-Management Program's ever discovered! FOREVER Weight-Management Programs Do you want to lose those few extra pounds? Would you like your pants to fit a little bit better? Are you ready to take charge of your health and feel better? If the answer is "YES" to any of these questions, then Forever Living Products has created a weight loss program that could work for you. Clean 9 is a nine-day program that is designed to cleanse your body of harmful preservatives and other chemicals, as well as start to burn your excess fat. FOREVER Nutri-Lean™ is the second step in the program. It is a 30-day program that teaches how to eat properly, exercise, increase your metabolism and live a healthier lifestyle. Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. - George Eliot What a beautiful November Fall day! After two and half hours of raking, I was invigorated! What an accomplishment and I felt completely inspired to photo the piles of leaves (counted 15)! Here to show you the inspirational benefits of Aloe Vitality and Mother Nature's Vitality!
While I was raking, had many thoughts..."this could be a real pain" (as most people would probably think) or I could really enjoy myself and boy did I ever enjoy! Identified 3 R's, Rebirth, Rejuvenation, Renewal! Cheesy as this may sound to some, connecting with the earth, grass, leaves, trees, geese, my dog Snoopy, it was completely wonderful and gratitude at its finest! See photo's...and enjoy, I sure did! :) Here's to your vital health and ultimate well-being, from SP, with Love... xo "A beautiful Fall day" Benefits of Colon Cleansing with Aloe Aloe vera and its cleansing functions are much touted all over the world. People with digestive complications have experienced great benefits from this plant. Cleanses are used to break down and clean out waste from the colon and detoxify the blood stream. Toxins in the colon, if reabsorbed into the blood stream, may cause fatigue, low energy and headaches. Cleansing the colon flushes the toxins from the colon and the blood stream, and rejuvenates the body. This can help with weight loss, boost the immune system and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Aloe vera juice is thicker in texture; it helps in easing bowel functions by counterbalancing the effects of toxins and wastes in the body, thus ridding the body of waste materials. It is very important to cleanse the colon regularly to improve bowel functions and enhance general health. Furthermore, colon cleansing can help in strengthening immunity and boosting metabolism too. Aloe Vera does not require a procedure or a major lifestyle change and is easy to incorporate into other types of cleanses. Unlike other methods of cleansing, aloe vera colon cleanse is very effective as well as efficient. It is one the easiest ways to improve your colon health and ensure that your immunity is at its best. Dietary Benefits of Aloe Vera The benefits of a diet that is supplemented by Aloe Vera can be varied and profound. To name a few, research suggests that Aloe may lower cholesterol, slow tumor growth, prevent kidney stones and ease inflammation. It is widely known that topical use of this plant will increase recovery time for scratches and burns, however, it is less well known that ingestion of the gel, or derivatives thereof, may also increase healing time of internal afflictions like ulcers. Nutrients from these plants have also been used as a natural treatment for colon polyps and pre-cancerous lesions in the colon. Moreover, when ingested, the gel is a gentle natural laxative that cleanses the colon and detoxifies the blood.Nutrients in Aloe Vera include minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids and plant compounds like triterpenes and polysaccharides. Triterpenes are known to exhibit antioxidant activity and reduce blood sugar. Polysaccharides boost immune function and digestive function. It is this breakdown that makes Aloe one of the most useful herbal products on the market today. The unique blend of these vital ingredients allows aloe to cleanse the body in a way that is safe and powerful. Because of the colon cleansing attributes of this plant, it helps in addressing all colon ailments and improving the colon health by eliminating and ejecting wastes from the human body. The juice of aloe vera, as well as aloe vera extracts can be extremely beneficial for overall health. Dr. William Davis, seeker-of-truth in health, a preventive cardiologist who practices in Milwaukee, Wis., argues in his new book Wheat Belly that wheat is bad for your health—so bad that it should carry a surgeon general’s warning! "I’m not promoting drugs, fancy medical procedures, or costly equipment. I’m not promoting a process that makes a pharmaceutical company rich or helps a hospital gain more revenue-producing procedures. I’m talking about a simple change in diet that yields incredible and unexpected health benefits in so many more ways than you’d think. And it’s not just about celiac disease, the destructive intestinal disease from wheat gluten that affects 1% of the population. It’s about all the other destructive health effects of wheat consumption, from arthritis to acid reflux to schizophrenia, caused or made worse by this food we are advised to eat more of. It’s about being set free from the peculiar appetite-stimulating effects of the opiate-like compounds unique to wheat. It’s also about losing weight–10, 20, or 30 pounds is often just the start–all from this thing I call wheat belly. The key to understanding wheat’s undesirable effects is to recognize that the total effect on human health is greater than the sum of its part." FAQ's on Frankengrains being Bad for your Health ...Q: How does wheat make us fat, exactly?
A: It contains amylopectin A, which is more efficiently converted to blood sugar than just about any other carbohydrate, including table sugar. In fact, two slices of whole wheat bread increase blood sugar to a higher level than a candy bar does. And then, after about two hours, your blood sugar plunges and you get shaky, your brain feels foggy, you’re hungry. So let’s say you have an English muffin for breakfast. Two hours later you’re starving, so you have a handful of crackers, and then some potato chips, and your blood sugar rises again. That cycle of highs and lows just keeps going throughout the day, so you’re constantly feeling hungry and constantly eating. Dietitians have responded to this by advising that we graze throughout the day, which is just nonsense. If you eliminate wheat from your diet, you’re no longer hungry between meals because you've stopped that cycle. You've cut out the appetite stimulant, and consequently you lose weight very quickly. I've seen this with thousands of patients. Q: A lot of us have switched to whole wheat products because we've been told complex carbohydrates are heart healthy and good for us. Are you saying that’s not true? A: The research that indicates whole grains are healthy is all conducted the same way: white flour is replaced with whole wheat flour, which, no question, is better for you. But taking something bad and replacing it with something less bad is not the same as research that directly compares what happens to health and weight when you eliminate wheat altogether. There’s a presumption that consuming a whole bunch of the less bad thing must be good for you, and that’s just flawed logic. An analogy would be to say that filtered cigarettes are less bad for you than unfiltered cigarettes, and therefore, a whole bunch of filtered cigarettes is good for you. It makes no sense. But that is the rationale for increasing our consumption of whole grains, and that combined with the changes in wheat itself is a recipe for creating a lot of fat and unhealthy people. Q: You say the crux of the problem with wheat is that the stuff we eat today has been genetically altered. How is it different than the wheat our grandparents ate? A: First of all, it looks different. If you held up a conventional wheat plant from 50 years ago against a modern, high-yield dwarf wheat plant, you would see that today’s plant is about 2½ feet shorter. It’s stockier, so it can support a much heavier seedbed, and it grows much faster. The great irony here is that the term “genetic modification” refers to the actual insertion or deletion of a gene, and that’s not what’s happened with wheat. Instead, the plant has been hybridized and crossbred to make it resistant to drought and fungi, and to vastly increase yield per acre. Agricultural geneticists have shown that wheat proteins undergo structural change with hybridization, and that the hybrid contains proteins that are found in neither parent plant. Now, it shouldn't be the case that every single new agricultural hybrid has to be checked and tested, that would be absurd. But we've created thousands of what I call Frankengrains over the past 50 years, using pretty extreme techniques, and their safety for human consumption has never been tested or even questioned. Q: But I’m not overweight and I exercise regularly. So why would eating whole wheat bread be bad for me? A: You can trigger effects you don’t perceive. Small low-density lipoprotein [LDL] particles form when you’re eating lots of carbohydrates, and they are responsible for atherosclerotic plaque, which in turn triggers heart disease and stroke. So even if you’re a slender, vigorous, healthy person, you’re still triggering the formation of small LDL particles. And second, carbohydrates increase your blood sugars, which cause this process of glycation, that is, the glucose modification of proteins. If I glycate the proteins in my eyes, I get cataracts. If I glycate the cartilage of my knees and hips, I get arthritis. If I glycate small LDL, I’m more prone to atherosclerosis. So it’s a twofold effect. And if you don’t start out slender and keep eating that fair trade, organically grown whole wheat bread that sounds so healthy, you’re repeatedly triggering high blood sugars and are going to wind up with more visceral fat. This isn’t just what I call the wheat belly that you can see, flopping over your belt, but the fat around your internal organs. And as visceral fat accumulates, you risk responses like diabetes and heart disease. Q: What extreme techniques are you talking about? A: New strains have been generated using what the wheat industry proudly insists are “traditional breeding techniques,” though they involve processes like gamma irradiation and toxins such as sodium azide. The poison control people will tell you that if someone accidentally ingests sodium azide, you shouldn't try to resuscitate the person because you could die, too, giving CPR. This is a highly toxic chemical. Q: Can’t you just get around any potential health concerns by buying products made with organically grown wheat? A: No, because the actual wheat plant itself is the same. It’s almost as if we’ve put lipstick on this thing and called it organic and therefore good, when the truth is, it’s really hardly any better at all. Q: You seem to be saying that aside from anything else, wheat is essentially the single cause of the obesity epidemic. A: I wouldn't go so far as to say that all obesity is due to wheat. There are kids, of course, who drink Coca-Cola and sit in front of video games for many hours a day. But I’m speaking to the relatively health-minded people who think they’re doing the right thing by limiting fat consumption and eating more whole grains, and there’s a clear subset of people who are doing that and gaining weight and don’t understand why. It causes tremendous heartache. They come into my office and say, “I exercise five times a week, I’ve cut my fat intake, I watch portion size and eat my whole grains—but I’ve gone up three dress sizes.” Q: You write that wheat is “addictive,” but does it really meet the criteria for addiction we’d use when talking about, say, drugs? A: National Institutes of Health researchers showed that gluten-derived polypeptides can cross into the brain and bind to the brain’s opiate receptors. So you get this mild euphoria after eating a product made with whole wheat. You can block that effect [in lab animals] by administering the drug naloxone. This is the same drug that you’re given if you’re a heroin addict; it’s an opiate blocker. About three months ago, a drug company applied to the FDA to commercialize naltrexone, which is an oral equivalent to naloxone. And it works, apparently, it blocks the pleasurable feelings you get from eating wheat so people stop eating so much. In clinical trials, people lost about 22.4 lb. in the first six months. Why, if you’re not a drug addict, do you need something like that? And of course there’s another option, which is to cut wheat out of your diet. However, and this is another argument for classifying wheat as addictive, people can experience some pretty unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Q: For how long? A: Generally about five days. And once you’re through withdrawal, your cravings subside, your calorie intake decreases and your alertness and overall health improve. Q: So do you believe food manufacturers are putting wheat into more and more food products, not just bread and crackers, because it’s addictive and stimulates appetite? A: These are not stupid people. The research showing that wheat stimulates appetite didn't come from some little alternative health practitioner. It comes from the NIH. It stretches credibility to believe they have no awareness of the evidence. Q: If there’s all this evidence, why does the government encourage us to “eat healthy” by upping our consumption of whole grains? A: That’s the million-dollar question. Wheat is so linked to human habit, it’s 20 per cent of all calories consumed by humans worldwide, that I think there was the presumption, “Gee, humans have consumed this for thousands of years, so what’s the problem?” I don’t think the misguided advice to eat more whole grains came from evil intentions. Q: Wheat is a huge industry. What do you say to all the farmers who grow it? A: To me, it’s reminiscent of tobacco farmers, who would say, “Look, I’m just trying to make a living and feed my family.” Nevertheless, tobacco is incredibly harmful and kills people. It could turn out that if we wind back the clock 100 or 1,000 years, and resurrect einkorn or some of the heritage forms of wheat, maybe that would be a solution. Of course, wheat products would then be much more expensive. Instead of a $4 loaf of bread, maybe it would cost $7 when grown with a heritage wheat. To me, it’s similar to free range eggs or organic beef 20 years ago. Everyone said, “No one will pay a premium for those.” But people do. And when it comes to wheat, my main goal is to inform people, including farmers, that the prevailing notion that cutting fat and eating whole grains will make you healthy is not only wrong, it’s destructive. What is Candida and do I suffer from it?Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. Its job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption but, when overproduced, candida breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body and causing leaky gut. This can lead to many different health problems, ranging from digestive issues to depression. How do you get candida overgrowth? The healthy bacteria in your gut typically keep your candida levels in check. However, several factors can cause the candida population to get out of hand:
Here are 10 common candida symptoms
How do you test for Candida overgrowth? Blood test: You'll want to check your levels for IgG, IgA, and IgM candida anti-bodies. These can be checked through most any lab. High levels indicate an overgrowth of candida. Stool testing: The most accurate test available. This will check for candida in your colon or lower intestines. The lab can usually determine the species of yeast as well as which treatment will be affective. (Note: be sure that your doctor orders a comprehensive stool test rather than the standard stool test.) Urine Organix Dysbiosis Test: This test detects a waste product of Candida yeast overgrowth known as D-Arabinitol. An elevated test means an overgrowth of candida. This test will determine if there is candida in your upper gut or small intestines. Here is a detailed list of more symptoms and conditions that commonly occur in people with Candida overgrowth. Most all of these same symptoms typically improve or disappear with effective treatment for Candida. Some of the symptoms listed may sound “normal,” because the Candida problem is so common in the modern world. Some are led to say, when they review this list, “Doesn’t that describe everybody?” It must be emphasized that none of these symptoms are part of normal health. When too many people around us are ill, strange symptoms may become common, but that does not make themnormal. Many of the things listed — such as asthma, diabetes, epidemic obesity, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, ADD/ADHD, autism, panic attacks and others — were virtually non-existent (or at least much less common) before the 1970s. They became much too common as a consequence of various factors, including: widespread overuse of antibiotics starting in the 1950s; increased availability of chlorinated swimming pools; much increased use of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics in the food supply; the advent of the birth control pill; and the addition since the 1990s of barley malt into nearly every baked food (cereals, crackers, cookies) and of high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener in beverages. A person with Candida overgrowth may have only 2-3 of these symptoms, or may identify with many. Mental/emotional/nervous system:
Digestive system:
Skin, eyes, hair:
Immune disorders:
Whole body:
Women’s health issues:
Symptoms seen particularly in children up to about 8 years old:
Two points should be understood with regard to the above list of signs and symptoms of Candida overgrowth. First, while all of the symptoms listed are definitely seen in Candida patients and evidence indicates Candida causes or strongly contributes to the development of these problems, there are other contributing factors that can also bring about some of these problems (such as mercury or other metal toxicity, consistent excess electromagnetic field exposure, underlying viral infections, petrochemical exposure, etc.). Second, treatment for Candida alone will usually bring about significant improvement in these symptoms, but will not be adequate in all cases to restore health. Often additional treatments aimed at improving liver, adrenal or thyroid function, or correcting immune and allergic problems, are necessary to regain health. How do you treat candida overgrowth?
Effectively treating candida involves stopping the yeast overgrowth, restoring the friendly bacteria that usually keep them in check, and healing your gut so that candida can no longer enter your bloodstream. Getting rid of the candida overgrowth primarily requires a change in diet to a low carbohydrate diet. Sugar is what feeds yeast, so eliminating sugar in all of its simple forms like candy, desserts, alcohol and flours. And reducing to only one cup a day of the more complex carbohydrates such as grains, beans, fruit, bread, pasta, and potatoes will prevent the Candida from growing and eventually cause it to die. I would recommend eliminating all fermented foods as well. It's a must to restore the healthy bacteria that typically keep your candida population under control, you should take probiotics on a regular basis. Taking anywhere from 25 to 100 billion units of probiotics should help to reduce the Candida levels and restore your levels of good bacteria. Finally, healing your gut by eliminating inflammatory foods that can harm your GI tract and introducing foods that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption, will prevent candida from working its way through your body, and will dramatically improve your overall health. If you would like to find out for sure if you have candida overgrowth, consider seeing a functional medicine doctor who is trained in detecting and treating candida. Aloe Barbadensis Miller Plant. It’s a mouthful, but it’s a name worth knowing. There are around 400 species of Aloe plants found in arid regions throughout the world. They’re each beneficial in their own way, but there is only one species that has been recognized for millennia for its magically soothing abilities… Aloe Barbadensis Miller. As one of the oldest recognized botanicals, records of this plant exist on Sumerian clay tablets from as early as 2200 BC; Aloe Vera has long been lauded throughout history for its natural soothing, cooling, and moisturizing abilities. It is known for soothing minor burns, comforting and moisturizing stressed skin, and even helping to aid in your skin’s natural ability to regenerate itself. But the real magic to Aloe Vera is when you consume it. With science, innovation and our devoted research and development team, Aloe Vera of America is dedicated to bringing the best Aloe Vera directly to you. Aloe Vera is improving overall health! Aloe is an excellent addition to a healthy maintenance regimen, and some of its most well-known benefits include:
Learn more from FLP's very own Mr. Julio Dajer, PhD. Director of Operations Dominican Republic: Serotonin is an important brain chemical that helps to elevate your mood and stop you from feeling down or depressed. While there are chemical ways to increase your serotonin levels, there are also numerous natural ways too. A presentation video, geared towards medical doctors, explores the relationship between the enzyme, serotonin, and its receptors in the gut, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The purpose of the video presentation was to visually convey this complex, yet fundamental mechanism, in hopes of creating new therapies for the treatment of IBS. Extensive knowledge of the workings of the gastrointestinal system and associated neural network was required in order to accurately depict the abstracted, microscopic spaces. Below is a discussion of some of the natural ways that you can boost your serotonin levels to get feeling happy, fulfilled, and energized again. What causes the dip in mood?
Though serotonin is typically recognized as a brain chemical, the majority of this neurotransmitter is produced in our digestive tract. Serotonin exerts powerful influence over mood, emotions, memory, cravings (especially for carbohydrates), self-esteem, pain tolerance, sleep habits, appetite, digestion and body temperature regulation. It is often thought of as our “happy hormone,” especially because its production increases when we’re exposed to natural sunlight. And let’s face it, after months of being stuck indoors, most Canadians are battling low serotonin levels come springtime. Production of serotonin is closely linked to the availability of vitamin B6 and the amino acid tryptophan. If our diet lacks sufficient protein and vitamins, we run a greater risk of serotonin deficiency. We may experience a dip in serotonin in relation to physiological causes, dieting, low protein intake, digestive disorders and also stress, since high levels of the stress hormone cortisol rob us of serotonin. When we measure our current lifestyle against all the elements necessary for the body’s natural production of serotonin, the wide-ranging epidemic of low serotonin is certainly not surprising. Add in chronic stress and out-of-control multitasking — two of the main causes of serotonin depletion — and it’s no wonder many of us suffer from depleted serotonin. Natasha Turner, N.D. is a naturopathic doctor; In my professional opinion, serotonin deficiency has become an epidemic of equal proportion to obesity. I also believe this parallel is no coincidence. Lets take a look at what you can do to ensure you keep your serotonin levels up: 1. Start pretending it’s summer By this I don’t mean put on shorts and sandals and stand outside shivering — although the weather’s slowly creeping up. What you can do is engage in activities that get you excited for the warmer weather like planning your summer vacation (with a countdown on a calendar), booking some time at a cottage, confirming camping weekends, going for a pedicure (after a winter hiding in boots everyone needs a good pedicure) and even rescuing the barbeque from hiberation. I know the smell of a barbecue makes me feel like summer is coming. 2. Alleviate sadness with 5-HTP A derivative of tryptophan, and one step closer to serotonin, 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) has been found to actually be more effective than tryptophan for treating sleeplessness, depression, anxiety and fibromyalgia. As an added bonus, it has a positive influence on your weight and can curb an out of control appetite – another reason why it’s a great supplement going into the warmer months. In one Italian study, women who took 5-HTP lost 10 pounds over 12 weeks, compared to two pounds in the placebo group. 3. Calm your brain with a B vitamin I recommend that my patients keep a B-complex at their desk during times of stress. High total intakes of vitamins B6 and B12 are associated with a lower risk of depressive symptoms over time in community-residing older adults, according to the results of a cohort study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vitamin B6 in particular supports the production and function of serotonin, melatonin and dopamine in the brain. 4. Smile with St. John’s Wort This herb has been proven effective for easing mild to moderate depression. It appears to work as a natural SSRI (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) by preventing the breakdown of serotonin in the brain. 5. Add inositol to your smoothies Naturally present in many foods, inositol improves the activity of serotonin in the brain. As a supplement, it’s an excellent choice for alleviating anxiety and depression and supporting nervous system health. I use it in powdered form and add it to my daily smoothie or a glass of water before bed. Inositol is very effective for calming the nervous system when mixed with magnesium. 6. Follow the light There’s a pretty good reason that Canadians love their patios – after being stuck inside all winter, we can hardly wait to get some fresh air and sunlight. Heading into the sunshine, even on a cool day, is the quickest way to boost your mood (and burn some belly fat). If you do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach you will not only burn 20 percent more calories, you’ll jumpstart your mood for the entire day. Find out what makes you feel good and put it into action. | Head out for a morning walk to boost your serotonin levels. Simply put, metabolism is the process of breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to yield the energy your body needs to maintain itself. The rate of your metabolism depends on the interaction between the number of calories you consume, the number of calories you burn while eating and exercising, and the calories you burn based on your individual genetic makeup. How can you increase your metabolism? Well, there’s not much you can do about your genes (they only account for a measly 5% of total daily calorie consumption anyway), which means the best way to rev up your metabolism is to increase your body’s need for energy. “Your body can burn calories from either fat, protein, or carbs,” says John Berardi, PhD, CSCS, president of Precision Nutrition, and author of The Metabolism Advantage. “Of course, you’d rather it burn fat calories, but your body isn’t wasteful; it will burn fat only when it needs energy.” One such time is during exercise, but it’s difficult to exercise all the time, especially if you’re stuck at a desk all day. Luckily, your body requires extra energy at other times, too, such as during the first hour or two after intense exercise like interval training and weight lifting. This is called the “afterburn” effect, Berardi says, and it can last for up to 24 hours. Strength training with heavier than usual weights uses up energy, too -- in order to repair small (healthy) muscle tears. And simply being more muscular boosts your body’s energy needs. Each extra pound of muscle you carry can burn up to 50 additional calories just to maintain itself -- and with no effort on your part. You can also increase your metabolism by eating foods that require extra energy to digest and metabolize; for example, protein. Your body burns twice as many calories digesting high-protein foods as it does foods that are high in carbs or fat. Foods That Boost Your MetabolismThere are certain foods that boost a body process called metabolism. By increasing this process your rate of fat and weight loss is increased. You may be surprised by some of the foods listed... Being concerned about your fitness is a good thing, and you obviously know that the only way to become fit is by exercising and eating the right diet. However, there’s one more factor which can make a difference by speeding up the process of becoming fit, and that is boosting your metabolism. If you can make your metabolism work better, then it greatly affects your chances of remaining fit. You may think that the factors determining the metabolism of an individual, such as age, sex, genetics, and body type cannot be controlled by you. However, there are certain foods that are known to boost your metabolism and make it work better. In this way, you are increasing the chances of losing weight and becoming fitter and healthier. What are these magic foods that can boost your metabolism? You may be surprised to see some of them on this list because of how common they probably are, which is why you may have ignored them in favor of some other exotic fruit or foods which are being touted as the next best thing in the fitness world. Here’s a look at some of these foods which researchers have found to be the best when it comes to increasing your metabolism: Water – Yes, water is one of the best things that you can consume to increase your metabolism and lose weight. People who don’t drink enough water often have slower metabolism, which in turn affects water retention and makes them feel bloated. When you drink enough water throughout the day, you burn more calories. Water also prevents binge eating because it significantly curbs your appetite by making you feel full. Lemons - Lemons are amazing for your health! Not only do they help protect your immune system and alkalize your body, but they also work to boost your metabolism and aid with weight loss. How do lemons help you lose weight? Lemons help to increase your metabolic rate, thus allowing you to burn more calories and store less fat. They work to slow down the rate of starch digestion, helping to keep blood sugar balanced. This prevents spikes in insulin and reduces fat storage. Starting your day with some lemon water helps to ignite metabolism and give your body a kick start for the day. Add lemon to your tea, salad dressing or squeeze some on top of your favorite meal. Cayenne Pepper - Cayenne pepper can stimulate metabolism up to 20 per cent and is a great spice for weight loss! How it works; Cayenne pepper stimulates metabolism by heating up your body, thus burning more calories. It stimulates your body's metabolic rate and also helps to clean fat out of the arteries. Yogurt - Yogurt contains high levels of protein, which causes an increase in metabolism because proteins require a lot of energy to break down. Yogurt with added fiber, causes an even larger boost because fiber also requires extra energy to be broken down. Green Tea - A study found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a metabolism ‘boost’). Over a 24-hour period, green tea extract increases the metabolic rate by 4%. These effects are due to the high concentrations of catechin polyphenols found in green tea. These work to help intensify levels of fat oxidation and thermogenesis (the rate at which your body burns calories). Broccoli - Broccoli is a food that requires minimal preparation and gives your metabolism a huge boost. Whether you choose to consume fresh or frozen broccoli, the calorie burning benefits of this leafy green vegetable remains the same. Broccoli gives you tons of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. If you don’t like to eat plain broccoli, try adding it into your favorite pasta or use it as a topping for a vegetable pizza. Omega-3's - Why does eating lots of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, herring, and tuna) help amp up metabolism? Omega-3s balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation, helping to regulate metabolism. They may also reduce resistance to the hormone leptin, which researchers have linked to how fast fat is burned. A study in Obesity Research found rats that ingested large doses of fish oil while exercising lost weight. Take omega-3 fatty acid supplements. Hate the fishy after-burp? Also, try flaxseed oil, walnuts, or eggs fortified with omega-3s. Or check out our Arctic Sea supplements (by Forever) that have no fishy taste. Eat more protein. A 2012 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people who ate more protein had a higher resting metabolic rate. Women often don’t get enough, so have some lean protein such as fish, chicken or eggs with every meal, and enjoy protein-rich snacks such as a handful of almonds.Your body digests protein more slowly than fat or carbs, so you feel full longer (this is especially true when you have it for breakfast). Plus, it may also give your metabolism a bump. In a process called thermogenesis, your body uses about 10% of its calorie intake for digestion. So, because it takes longer to burn protein than carbs or fat, your body expends more energy absorbing the nutrients in a high-protein diet. Another bonus: One recent study from Purdue University found that diets higher in protein may help preserve lean body mass, which is the best fat-burner of all. There are many appropriate clichés we've often heard. The following two resonate with me and are so true to most lives; "you don't know what goes on behind closed doors" and the"truth hurts" and with my interpretation (perspective) even behind those closed doors there is much more that is unknown unless the real truth is revealed! Your own truth. Launching today, a new EVENT for my Aloe Vitality Blog and have called it, "SP, with Love..." The concept behind it came to me for some time now and in many forms. Just as an example of my unusual perspective of why I've called it "SP with Love..." it partly came from the romantic movie "PS, I love you..." as well as a "postscript" to finish off a note, letter, email... In other words, in addition to or as the last thing you would want to finish off with. SP, is my PS with LOVE! I will share my truest "raw" perspective from my own personal and professional experiences; beliefs, values, morals and principals, all behind the scenes and appropriately done! Have high hopes that my belief in dignity and integrity will be obvious with my perspective and that it can help inspire others mind, body and spirit! This kind of exposure and concept has been given much thought and consideration... it won't be easy to reveal my true "raw" self to the world. I have been conditioned to believe that the more you reveal of yourself, the more others may criticize. Putting out this kind of information can certainly question anyone's security and leave you vulnerable. Fortunately, I am being fearless and doing it anyways! Clarity comes mainly to me with effective communication, understanding and empathy and that has all been real essential to my development and well-being. Having introspective has not always come easy to me but necessary for my soul's purpose... "Sonia's Blog", my FORUM and for over 3 years now, I've tried only to share more value on the physical health benefits (BODY) to you as opposed to the focus on your mental health benefits (MIND). Fortunately though, I have realized that our heart, my heart wasn't in it fully. Our heart is the most precious organ to our bodies and its controlled way too much by our mixed up minds. Of-course, all depending on the intensity to your sensitivity... I and certainly many have underestimated the value and amazing connection or awareness between the Body (heart) and the Mind. In this photo to the right, taken of me last year in my home office, there is a very appropriate quote behind me stating; "LIFE ~ what lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Do not know the real source of who said this but since researching it, I discovered; "This quotation is especially beloved by coaches, valedictorians, eulogists, and Oprah Winfrey. It usually gets attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson." Funny enough, I am a huge fan of Emerson's philosophies, and he said “What lies behind us and what lies in front of us pales in comparison to what lies within us.”! Based on staying true to my mission for wholesome wellness from the inside out, here is SP with Love... |
about the AuthorSonia is an advocate for 'Natural Holistic Alternatives' while sharing easy everyday solutions. Categories
June 2022