And here's a little attention getter, many aloe enthusiast have discovered that when the aloe gel tastes particularly bitter, it's the result of a build-up of toxins in the body which needs to be relieved and cleansed out! The more bitter the taste the more that your body needs it and ultimately is craving it!
So how do you make this beautiful drink, this "white gold" taste as wonderful as it really is? Adjust the taste!
How you make it taste is really all up to you. This can be an enjoyable experience by simply adding this miraculous gel into your everyday beverages or by making your own recipes.
Click here for some recipe suggestions http://www.forevernutrilean.com/ForeverLeanEnglish/recipes.html and see below for more information on our very best Health and Weight-Management Program's ever discovered!

Do you want to lose those few extra pounds?
Would you like your pants to fit a little bit better?
Are you ready to take charge of your health and feel better?
If the answer is "YES" to any of these questions, then Forever Living Products has created a weight loss program that could work for you.
Clean 9 is a nine-day program that is designed to cleanse your body of harmful preservatives and other chemicals, as well as start to burn your excess fat.
FOREVER Nutri-Lean™ is the second step in the program.
It is a 30-day program that teaches how to eat properly, exercise, increase your metabolism and live a healthier lifestyle.