Well then you must remember that song "taking the good and leaving the bad" which often gets stuck in my head (I wonder why)! The chorus consists of such a simple and very true statement, unfortunately not so easy to apply! Seriously, there is so much negativity in our society which has such an impact on the universe! When we hold onto those bad feeling thoughts, the good ones seem so far from our minds. We are our own worst enemy! I am always trying to understand us humans...we really do complicate things! Now please know I speak mostly of myself in all of this! If we could just focus on what is good and if there is nothing, create it and focus on the gift of life! Well the world we live in, that is a whole other story! One by one we make up this world...our wonderful society! Back to a very simple philosophy “Life is what you make of it”. So why would we make it so difficult and challenging? I think I'm figuring this out! We are to become all the more stronger and wiser for struggles and challenges, right? “What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger” right! Understand why there is a reason we have all these sayings? Well, folks I really should be strong and real wise (you would think)! Or maybe I am but just don't want to accept or believe it (definitely a possibility with me)! Here's to being unaware of your true strength but having the wisdom of knowing its really there! Realize I'm weird but its all good and hope this makes sense to you as it just did for me!
Hope you all have a great weekend...
Sincerely, Sonia