Although, I do try not to stay in the past for to too long! The only good thing
of reflection is to see all the growth and evolution of ones experiences. Don't you think? Not sure about you but as for me, I acquired much growth in 2011!
First and foremost to sum it all up, I would say “we need to stop complicating life”! Simply focus on enjoy, enjoy enjoy the journey! And trust me folks when I say that I know that it is much easier said than done, especially in this day and age...
This is all coming from someone like me to which practically struggled every day for 2011 and with challenges throughout my life. Again to be totally honest, I have come to realize that most of these struggles or challenges are really just lessons to learn by! I suppose, staying connected to one’s self is the way to understand this process…
Life has so much to offer and truly it is a journey and not the destination that really matters!
Alright to lighten up just a little and try to stop sounding so deep and profound, let us get to the heart of matters. 2012 is really what matters!
Not to contradict myself by believing we should live in the moment and then plan ahead for the coming days, months, years, and our future, which really is a total contradiction! But planning can be relative though. Planning can be an obsession with lists and rules and such, or planning can simply be sending out your intentions, your vibrations...which is obviously the way I see it!
Now, today the first day of 2012 my intentions are to send out best wishes for
ultimate health, peace, love, joy and vitality to myself, my loved ones and last but certainly not least, the universe!. All that recognize that life is truly about appreciating what you have in its entirety!
Sincerely Sonia
With love,
Aloe Vitality 2012!!!